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Food News You Can Use–Recipe Reviews


Just wanted to start by saying that I’ve been making lots of deviled eggs lately, and I’m not sure why. I’ve just been craving them. And they’re a huge hit with the fam. But every time I go to make them, I just dread the process of boiling and peeling the eggs. I am an infamous egg-ruiner. I put so many divots in eggs they look like squirrels got to them before they make it to the plate. Not good.

Recently, someone recommended steaming them in my multi-cooker. This suggestion ended up being nothing more than life-altering for me. Seriously, the heavens parted, angels sang, everybody at some curried deviled eggs–it was glorious.

Let me now share the gospel with you:

1.) Put 3 cups of water in the bottom of multi-cooker. Place a steamer basket in the bottom of the cooker.

2.) Place 6-10 eggs in the steamer basket. Ideally, as many as possible should actually touch the basket.

3.) Put the cooker on Manual Pressure: High. Set time to 3 minutes. Cook. Let the finished eggs sit in the steamer for 5 additional minutes. Release the steam.

4.) Place eggs in ice bath. At this point you can peel them right away or store them and peel them later. Either way, the shells peel away with zero fuss.

I’m telling you, I will never make hardboiled eggs another way.

In other food news, last night I made a Cumin-Coriander Beef Stew with Lime from Milk Street.

Onions are sweated in a warm spice spice blend with tomato paste, the beef is then added…and the veggies are cooked ’til tender at the last minute.

Aside from being delicious, it was one of the most fragrant dishes I’ve ever made in my multi-cooker. I instantly added it to my recipe rolodex.

Last, I need every pasta and cheese-lover to try this very simple recipe from Food Network: Gorgonzola Pasta with Spinach and Walnuts. It came together so quickly and had and impressive depth of flavor, despite its short ingredient list.

Happy eating!

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