Sincerity as far as the eye can see

I’m of two minds about this. In regard to Trump’s absurdly brazen lies about the election being “rigged,” Republicans can be sorted into three categories (Yes I’m an academic. As always there’s considerable overlap among these kinds of groupings):
(1) Clear-eyed cynics who realize this is all typical Trumpian bullshit, but Paris is worth a tent revival.
(2) Stupid and/or paranoid people who actually believe him.
(3) People who maintain a kind of double consciousness. They (more or less) realize that in a prosaic, literal, empirical sense Trump’s claims are what the heathen refer to as “lies,” but at the same time they believe those supposed lies harbor a deeper truth, which is that the Democrats and the mainstream media and the universities and Hollywood and the Chinese etc. have been stealing “their” country ever since the late lamented 1950s, when America was great (white, patriarchal etc.), so it’s only fair to steal it back.
The interesting question, to me anyway, is what the relative proportions are between these three groups.