Forget the long con

If the fool tips, you’re caught. You’ll do time.
Never do time.
Sean Hannity sent a “sponsored message” to his email list which asked, “Did Democrats cover up the TRUE remedy for cancer?” Right-wing media figures have repeatedly sent sponsored emails claiming there’s a hidden cancer “cure” but it’s being covered up.
Media Matters, which is signed up to Hannity’s mailing list, received a September 12 sponsored email from OmniVista Health with the subject line “Did These Dems Cover Up A TRUE Cancer Cure?” and the following text:
Did Democrats cover up the TRUE remedy for cancer?
Only 1 retired Government M.D. knows the truth…
And, today, he’s exposing EVERYONE involved.
Watch his SCATHING video here.
P.S. Your jaw will hit the floor when he starts naming names. (I’m talking about some REAL liberal “saints”…) See it here.
Hannity’s email links to a video from Dr. Marc Micozzi, who claims that he witnessed the “existence of a medical miracle for the deadliest cancers. This life-saving discovery was then denied to the American people… And would have remained locked away forever – except for one thing… I kept the file.” Micozzi also claims to have cures for diabetes, dementia, and heart disease, among other illnesses. The pitch concludes by asking readers to sign-up for Micozzi’s paid newsletter, “Insiders’ Cures,” which costs from $37 to $74.
Insiders’ Cures is published by OmniVista Health, which states that it “was launched to bring a fresh, but authoritative perspective to natural medicine.” The company is part of the Agora publishing empire.In December 2015, Mother Jones’ Tim Murphy wrote of Agora:
Agora’s subsidiaries and affiliates publish more than 40 newsletters and sell more than 300 books on a range of topics, including biblical health tips, natural-healing supplements, and “insider” investment advice—a mix of ideas the company considers the intellectual equivalent of the marketplace of ancient Athens. To find new readers for its ever-expanding catalog of publications, Agora’s subsidiaries have tapped into a network of conservative heavyweights, including Huckabee, Ron Paul, and Newt Gingrich, who sell access to their massive email lists to advertise Agora’s products.
Rick Perlstein’s 2012 Baffler piece remains essential reading on this topic.
I know I should continue feel sympathy for the often-desperate people who are getting ripped off by the right wing scam machine. And I’m trying Ringo. I’m trying real hard.