Comeback kids
This is encouraging, especially considering that Biden’s name recognition is probably still miles ahead of both Harris’s and Warren’s (although not Bernie’s — this poll is probably even worse news for him than it is for Biden).
Sens. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren have made steep gains after the first Democratic presidential debate, a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS. shows, with former Vice President Joe Biden’s lead over the field shrinking to a narrow 5 points.
The results indicate a significant tightening in the race for the Democratic nomination.
The poll, conducted after the two-night debate, finds 22% of registered voters who are Democrats or Democratic-leaning independents backing Biden for the party’s presidential nomination, 17% Harris, 15% Warren and 14% Sen. Bernie Sanders. No one else in the 23-person field tested hits 5%.
My sense of Biden has been that he’s like a clearly inferior team that got handed a 17-point lead in the first quarter by a series of fluke plays. In those situations you know the other team is going to come back, although whether they’ll have enough time to pull it out isn’t a sure thing by any means.
In this case I’m betting they will.