Professional Fixer Bill Barr Lied His Ass Off In His Preemptive Memo

Marcy provides example after example here, with more being added all the time. And no matter how much Barr, Greenwald et al. want to pretend otherwise, “did not establish as a prosecutable offense after an investigation that was obstructed” and “found no evidence” are very, very different claims.
Why, it’s enough to shake your faith in Republican Daddies! Unless you’re Ben Wittes, I guess.
…Mark Jospeh Stern on Barr’s even more embarrassing preemptive press conference:
Observers of the Justice Department will spend the rest of our lives talking about Attorney General William Barr’s jaw-dropping and horrifically inappropriate address on Thursday morning, which attempted to spin special counsel Robert Mueller’s report in Donald Trump’s favor—before the public has seen it. In just a few minutes, Barr managed to throw Mueller under the bus, mount a Fox News–style defense of Trump, and further obscure his dubious decision to absolve the president of obstruction of justice. It is hard to convey just how appalling Barr’s performance was, and it will take a while to assess the extent of the damage Barr just inflicted on the Department of Justice and the office of the attorney general. But let me take a first crack: This was Pravda-style propaganda, pure and simple, a grotesque display of spineless fealty to the president, and a confirmation that Barr views the Mueller investigation as fundamentally illegitimate.