Another day, another fascist outburst

Oh you know how he gets when he’s been drinking tweeting:
President Donald Trump went on a tear on Twitter on Tuesday morning, demanding an apology from The New York Times, complaining he doesn’t get enough credit for the economy, claiming Twitter discriminates against him and ripping into the “Radical Left Democrats.”
It was a dizzying burst from Trump, who has bounced from claiming victory after the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report to seeking revenge on the media, Democrats and even his own aides.
In all, Trump tweeted or retweeted more than 50 times in a 24-hour period.
The media was the primary target of Trump’s ire Tuesday morning, as he complained that he is subject to an unprecedented level of press scrutiny and lashed out at outlets from The New York Times to morning cable news shows while also taking shots at individual personalities.
“Paul Krugman, of the Fake News New York Times, has lost all credibility, as has the Times itself, with his false and highly inaccurate writings on me,” Trump wrote in his first post of the day, attacking the economic columnist who is often critical of the White House. “He is obsessed with hatred, just as others are obsessed with how stupid he is. He said Market would crash, Only Record Highs!”In a second tweet, the president added: “I wonder if the New York Times will apologize to me a second time, as they did after the 2016 Election. But this one will have to be a far bigger & better apology. On this one they will have to get down on their knees & beg for forgiveness-they are truly the Enemy of the People!”
How very “unconventional” of him!
In a letter to readers after the 2016 elections, then-publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. and executive editor Dean Baquet wondered whether Trump’s “sheer unconventionality lead us and other news outlets to underestimate his support among American voters” and pledged to rededicate the paper to probing the driving forces of the election.
Hey, Pinch and Dean: maybe if you hadn’t run a zillion stories about Hillary Clinton’s email server while at the same time pretty much ignoring the copious evidence that Donald Trump was Vladimir Putin’s bought and paid for stooge — or the even more copious evidence that he was a pathologically dishonest grifting serial sexual assaulter and failed businessman — you wouldn’t now be facing demands from the Maximum Leader that you, the official Enemy of the People, get down on your knees before his throbbing magnificence.
Crying won’t help you, praying won’t do you no good.
ETA: This sounds totally normal and not at all worrisome:
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, along with other Twitter executives, is having a closed-door meeting with President Donald Trump on Tuesday, according to an internal Twitter email obtained by Motherboard from two independent sources. The meeting comes after an invitation from the White House, the email adds.
The email does not detail what the meeting will specifically be about, but says the company anticipates it to be about “the health of the public conversation on Twitter,” according to the email written by Vijaya Gadde, Twitter’s global lead for legal, policy, and trust and safety.