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The Impact of Jenny McCarthyism


This is outrageous and infuriating:

A new report published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention details the harrowing story of a child in Oregon who contracted tetanus because he wasn’t vaccinated.

The boy was playing outside on a farm in 2017 when he cut his forehead. Six days later, he started having symptoms: a clenched jaw, muscle spasms and involuntary arching of his neck and back. When he started struggling to breathe, his parents realized he needed help and called for emergency medical services.

Doctors diagnosed the 6-year-old boy with tetanus and administered a dose of the vaccine, but it took 57 days in a hospital, including 47 days in intensive care, to restore his health.

“It was difficult to take care of him, to watch him suffer,” says Judith Guzman-Cottrill, a pediatric infectious-disease physician who co-authored the article in the CDC’s online journal Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

At first, he asked for water but couldn’t open his mouth. The boy had to spend weeks in a dark room on a respirator. He was able to walk 20 feet, with help, after 50 days.

The boy’s infection marked the first pediatric case of tetanus in the state of Oregon in more than 30 years, according to the researchers.

After allowing the first dose of vaccine, the parents refused a second dose for their son, despite doctors giving them information about the advantages of being immunized against tetanus. “I did provide education about the benefits of all pediatric vaccinations and that was also refused,” Guzman-Cottrill says.

Whoa, whoa, whoa….

The kid got tetanus. The parents then allowed him to get one vaccine. And then they chose to watch their child suffer for months instead of allowing him to get enough vaccine in his system to not watch him suffer.

Good lord. It’s one thing to be an anti-vaxxer. It’s another to maintain that as your child is suffering with tetanus.

These people are the worst. And there are so many of them. That many of them are nominally liberal or leftist is even more infuriating.

Vaccinations simply need to be legislated. The only excuse to not get vaccinations is the very few children who actually cannot for medical reasons. Otherwise, this behavior by parents should be illegal.

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