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Will Donald Trump Face a Significant Primary Challenge? [SPOILER: no]


Should Trump be scared that he could be denied the Republican nomination in 2020?

Mr. Trump still commands the loyalty of a passionate electoral base that has rallied to him in trying moments, and advisers believe he will have room to right himself while Democratic presidential candidates are mired in a long nomination fight. Yet they are also growing anxious that he could face a draining primary of his own next year.

Hmm, who might challenge him?

Several prominent Trump antagonists are actively urging other Republicans to take on the president, and a popular governor, Larry Hogan of Maryland, has indicated he is newly open to their entreaties.

Yes, it sure seems plausible that Larry Hogan could be the 2020 Republican nominee, only I don’t know if he can beat similarly likely nominees as George Pataki, Christine Todd Whitman, and Bill Weld and make it a 2-person race.

In addition to Mr. Hogan, William F. Weld, the former Republican governor of Massachusetts, is weighing a challenge to Mr. Trump as a small-government moderate, people who have spoken with him said. Mr. Weld, 73, who was the Libertarian Party’s vice-presidential nominee in 2016, has discussed either opposing Mr. Trump in the Republican primaries or seeking the Libertarian presidential nomination.

Weld was supposed to be a joke.

OK, are their any potential challengers who could conceivably appeal to a non-trivial fraction of the Republican primary electorate?

Other Republicans known to be entertaining campaigns against Mr. Trump include John R. Kasich, the former governor of Ohio, who ran in 2016; Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska; and Jeff Flake, the former senator from Arizona. But Mr. Sasse is said to have grown uneasy about the idea

LOL at the idea that Sasse ever gave a moment’s serious consideration to challenging Trump. I mean, Flake and Collins ave gotten an enormous amount of deserved derision for the gap between their anti-Trump rhetoric and pro-Trump actions, and even they have a few isolated cases of standing up to him to point to. Sasse has nothing. There is no bigger fraud in the Senate, which is saying something.

and Mr. Kasich and Mr. Flake are pursuing opportunities in television.

That is some nicely turned dry wit right there. Anyway, Trump is not going to be seriously threatened in a primary. He will maintain the affection of his base barring something extraordinary, and if the extraordinary happens he’ll resign of be removed from office.

Speaking of dry wit, this understated evisceration of the pretensions of Jared Kushner, SUPERGENIUS is pretty good.

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