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A Few Grafs That Explain Why America Hates Vacuous Political Reporting



As you may have heard, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives today passed a bill that would take health insurance away from more than 20 million people and make health insurance that many people have worse in order to pay for a massive upper-class tax cut. I’m sure CNN’s political editor-at-large has a vital contribution to make about this literally life-or-death policy issue!

When House Republicans secured their 216th “yes” on the American Health Care Act Thursday, Democrats immediately began taunting their across-the-aisle rivals.
“Na Na Na Na, Hey Hey Hey, Goodbye,” Democrats sang at Republicans. A few Democrats even waved goodbye.
The implication was obvious: Democrats believed many Republicans had just cost themselves their political careers by voting for an overhaul of Obamacare.
And the DC political class wonders why people hate them.

I understand that Democrats not only didn’t like the way this bill was passed — without any estimates on what it might cost or how many people might lose coverage as a result — but also believed the policies contained in it would leave the country and its people considerably worse off.
That is a worthy conversation to have. But, that’s not what Democrats were doing. Instead, they were jeering and mocking their colleagues.

What matters is not whether Democrats are right, but whether they expressed their opposition to a bill everybody hates because it’s grotesquely immoral with enough decorum. OK. Even more laughable is the idea that health care policy is a conversation that Cillizza will ever want to have. Indeed, an even better time to have this conversation would have been before the election, which like so many of his colleagues but even more that most Cillizza spent endlessly wanking over a non-issue nobody including himself cares about if it doesn’t involve Hillary Clinton. This utter failure to inform the public makes his pieties about “giving the public the chance, every two years, to render their judgment on who has more of the right in the argument is the backbone of our political system” especially risible.

But if only House Democrats could emulate the Civilitude and Seriousity of Paul Ryan, who was positively giddy as he went to send 30,000 lucky duckies a year to their own personal death panels, before kissing the ring of an inept authoritarian and hitting a nice kegger to celebrate. Now that will totally facilitate the bipartisanship that the American public craves!

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