Anarchobro Confused About American Politics
Julian Assange is timing leaks in attempt to throw the election to Trump:
At one point, Mr. Peston said: “Plainly, what you are saying, what you are publishing, hurts Hillary Clinton. Would you prefer Trump to be president?”
Mr. Assange replied that what Mr. Trump would do as president was “completely unpredictable.” By contrast, he thought it was predictable that Mrs. Clinton would wield power in two ways he found problematic.
Ah, yes, Clinton is a known quantity but Trump could really SHAKE THINGS UP so why not go with the devil you don’t know? I believe this argument was also prominently featured back when Salon was finding a new otherwise unpublishable #BernieorBuster every week.
Anyway, it’s really dumb. First of all, much of what will happen under a Trump presidency is eminently predictable. Ryan and McConnell are highly predictable, and Donald Trump — whose interest in the details of the legislative process cannot possibly be underestimated — will sign whatever bills they put on his desk. (Obviously, Assange doesn’t care about this, but they’re relevant to domestic versions of the argument.) Donald Trump’s federal judicial appointments would be 1)highly predictable and 2)from the Sam Alito school of civil liberties. I suppose Trump’s foreign policy is unpredictable, but in the sense that if you put a care package of methamphetamine and blunt objects in a room full of mentally ill felons the precise contours of what would happen are unpredictable but you can sure it would be horrible.
And, of course, trying to throw an election to Donald Trump because of freedom of the press concerns is insane, but anyway.