Friday Creature Feature: Sorry for These Creatures
Tonight we’re checking with Greta Christina. No, she’s not the creature. It’s the dudes who said the disgusting things to her that are tonight’s creature feature. I know–gross. But, you know what? The news isn’t all bad. She’s got a really positive post up too. And I wanted to add an Amen to it. See, this isn’t the first time I’ve read this post, or this iteration of this sort of post. I’ve read blog entries from other feminists who’ve said they’ve gotten similar feedback. I’ve read comments from newly-minted feminists who’ve said “thank you for opening my eyes.” And there’s this: I’ve learned a lot from being online, from reading liberal and feminist blogs. I’ve examined my own privilege. Hell, I’ve become aware of the concept of privilege. I’ve learned not to make jerky transphobic jokes. (Shame on former me.) I’ve also given up the word “retard,” even though I never used it with actual mentally disabled people in mind. (Doesn’t matter; I shouldn’t have been using the word–period.)
I’ve learned a crapload about the challenges women, people of color, LBGT and poor people face. It’s been depressing and fulfilling at the same time. Why fulfilling? Because I feel like I’ve “met” an awful lot of people who give a shit, give a shit about everybody: men and women and people of color, gay and trans people. And a lot of these people who care? They’re white dudes. Some of them pretty privileged white dudes. So, in the end, I feel like we’re all in this together…and we’re all still learning. It makes me feel hopeful. For once.