The Ultimate Conservertarian Post
Roy finds a definitive passive-aggressive yet insane post from Glenn Reynolds:
Speaking of urban agony, by the way — if folks on the right were truly Macchiavellian, they’d be joining the critics of stop-and-frisk. The big Blue enclaves are where the crime and racial strife mostly are; letting those get worse would probably benefit folks on the right. Luckily for the hipsters, righties are too principled for that sort of “heightening the contradictions” thing.
This is…amazing stuff.
- I suppose “racist authoritarianism” is, in its own way, a “principle.” Whether adhering to it merits praise is a judgment I leave to the reader.
- Note how this alleged “libertarian” takes for granted that Bloomberg’s arbitrary stop-and-frisk policies are effective and implicitly justified.
- The assumption that racially discriminatory arbitrary searches reduce racial strife is even more special. Has Reynolds written a column about how Shelby County is the ultimate fulfillment of Martin Luther King’s vision yet?
- The 2011 murder rate in the northeast: 3.9. In the south: 5.5. But, in fairness, racial strife is entirely unknown below the Mason-Dixon line.
- “People were more likely to be victims of a violent gun crime [in Tennessee] than in any other state in the nation.” Damn those hipster liberal coastal elitists and their opposition to arbitrary police actions!
- I actually believe that Reynolds thinks that everyone who lives in a major urban area is a “hipster.”