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Unilateral disarmament? no thanks!


Good lord. Kevin Drum is feeling guilty for being so audacious as to oppose handing the Arnold a PR coup that would gain his party seats locally and nationally, in exchange for exactly nothing. So as atonement for this good-guy centrist pundit apostasy, he suggests we turn to Peter “Win elections by killing more Muslims” Beinart:

California Democrats…should enthusiastically agree to implement his proposed change after the next census, in 2011. Given that Democrats will likely still control California’s state legislature then, the switch could still cost them seats. But that’s a price worth paying to try to build momentum for a national change in the way redistricting is done.

Who was it (paperwight? Redbeard?) who suggested the domestic violence analogy? This time, if we do something nice and right and proper and sweet and kind, then they’ll simply have to change their nasty ways! Tom Delay’s heart will grow three sizes and he’ll offer a heartfelt apology to the citizens of Texas for his redistricting scam. The truly heartwarming scene will be his humble, heartfelt apology to Marvin Frost. After a moment of hesitation, he’ll accept this apology and invite Tom to join him for Christmas dinner.

For God’s sake, people, WE DON’T LIVE IN THAT WORLD. We live in a world where Republicans are profoundly comfortable with breathtaking hypocricy, and the media doesn’t call them on it. Of course, I’d love to institute Iowa-style redistricting nationwide. There are lots of other compromises I’d make with the GOP, assuming I could be assured followthrough. But I’m not giving them anything without getting something in return, and I’m not feeling guilty about it either.

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