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The second debate thread


I just hope Atrios is right. I think Kerry did what he needed to do, but as I said below he let too many distortions lay out there. It’s probably correct that responding to each one would be counterproductive. But his response on the war supplemental–which still doesn’t mention Bush’s threatened veto–remains painfully inadequate. Let’s turn it over to Somerby:

POSSIBLE KERRY STATEMENT: Diane, as a senator, I get paid to vote “yes” on good bills and “no” on bad ones. And that bill to provide the $87 billion—that was a bad bill, in my opinion. I wanted to see a better bill providing that money to our troops. I wanted to see that funding paid for by us, not by our grandchildren, and I wanted to see an actual plan for how that money was going to be spent. Diane, do you know that $20 billion of that money was designated for reconstruction projects, and that now, a whole year later, only five percent of that money has been spent? That’s just incredibly bad planning! Those of us who said we wanted to see a plan before we authorized that money turned out to be right. This was just another case in which the Bush Administration had no real plan for their actions—none at all! They insisted that we hurry up and approve that money—and they had no idea how to spend it!
Diane, those troops were always going to be funded. That was never at issue—not at all. Everyone knows that, including the president, who talks about every day this as just another silly diversion. What was at issue was this president’s bad judgment and inability to plan—and his willingness to let your grandchildren pay for what you and your pal Charlie Gibson should be funding. I can’t believe a guy like that gets to moderate a presidential debate!

Would that be so hard?

But I don’t want to dwell on Kerry. He was fine, and the constant, baldfaced lying from Bush remains remarkable. We just have to hope that the better man wins.

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