Bill Walton 8-26-08.JPG
Bill Walton. By JAYZWELLING – Own work, CC BY 3.0.


If we are lucky, then once in a lifetime the opportunity may come to make a real difference.  Today, we hope, will be that day.  Lawyers, Guns and Money is planning to make an appeal to ESPN broadcaster and former Portland Trail Blazer’s great Bill Walton to contribute his special insight regarding Russian interference in American politics.  Mr. Walton’s qualifications are clear:

There’s only one problem; LGM is too inconsequential to sue, much less earn the notice of NBA legend Bill Walton.  Thus, we are putting on temporary hiatus the compact we have established with our readership* to only have one day of fundraising per year (May 31, the anniversary of the blog’s founding) to make a one day only appeal for support.  It is our belief, with some evidentiary basis, that buying huge numbers of fake Twitter followers in an appropriate thing to do if the goal is to convince a former UCLA Bruin center to write a guest post for the blog.**

Only your cash money can buy enough fake twitter followers to bring Bill Walton to the blog.

*Compact only applies to regular fundraising, not instances of severe illness or Erik getting his house broken into.

**It is exceedingly unlikely that LGM will spend any proceeds on buying fake followers, or that this would convince Mr. Walton, who we all love, to contribute a guest post on the question of Russian interference in the 2016 election.


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