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What shutdown? Time to party like it’s 1-20-2017!


https://twitter.com/jed_white/status/954358247166799873 After addressing the fetus fetishist mobs that ooze into town once a year and lower the tone, President Populism & Porn Actors is off to celebrate his much better win than other presidential wins in a way that allows him to keep in touch with the little guy. And celebrate his win.

After all, it’s not like there’s anything going on at work.

President Trump is expected to celebrate the first anniversary of his inauguration this weekend with a party at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, according to Bloomberg News.

Tickets for the event, which will be held Saturday night, begin at $100,000 a pair, which pays for dinner and a photo with Trump. Attendees can pay $250,000 to participate in a roundtable with Trump.

The fact that rich people ill pay $100K-$250K to hear him lie about his yuge inauguration crowds, his bigly ratings and the size of his hands is more proof that there is no connection between wealth and taste or intelligence. I assume they’ll have to personally thank him for their shiny new tax breaks before they get their picture taken.

Bloomberg reports that the event is being jointly hosted by Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel and billionaire casino mogul Steve Wynn, and proceeds from the event will benefit Trump’s presidential campaign and the RNC.

There’s a typo in that last sentence. Here’s the correction:

Bloomberg reports that the event is being jointly hosted by Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel and billionaire casino mogul Steve Wynn, and proceeds from the event will benefit Trump ’s presidential campaign and the RNC.

By way of comparison, here is CBS News with a wrap-up of Obama’s first year.

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