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The Only Remedy For Trump’s Collusion With Russia is the Ballot Box


Did Little Donald break the law? Of course he did:

In addition to representing a clear-cut betrayal of his country, these emails create a serious potential legal problem for Trump Jr. It is illegal to solicit a contribution of anything of value from a “foreign national … in connection with any federal, state, or local election.” This is exactly what Trump Jr. did.

But the beauty of this conspiracy is that it put little Donald’s father in charge of the Department of Justice and — even more importantly — in possession of an unconstrained veto power. So the only effective remedy is to vote Republicans out of office:

The president’s control of the law enforcement apparatus is one reason the framers established another remedy: impeachment. But this, too, remains unlikely to happen. After all, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell knew about Russian interference on Trump’s behalf during the campaign and actively worked to shield it from public view. Unless Trump starts threatening to veto tax cuts or nominate liberal judges to the federal courts, congressional Republicans will continue to protect him no matter how much evidence of impeachable offense accumulates. And, alas, the Constitution has no provision for do-overs, so the tainted election can’t be undone.

Which leads us to the final mechanism of control: the ballot box. Trump is already highly unpopular, and it’s now clear not only that Russia helped deliver the 100,000 votes that allowed the popular vote loser to win the Electoral College but that the most important members of his campaign knew about it and welcomed it. This won’t make it any easier for McConnell to ram his tottering and extraordinarily unpopular health-care bill through the Senate. And while it would take a true wave election for the Democrats to take over the House of Representatives in 2018, this is the kind of scandal that can produce that kind of wave.

Trump Jr. probably won’t be punished for his crimes, but if his incompetence leads to Republicans losing their grip on Congress, this would be a much better punishment anyway.

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