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Bootstrappin’ It 2: Electric Burgarloo

Not Andy Puzder
Not Andy Puzder

You know how I said it was ok to punch nazis a couple posts back? Well, I lied. It’s ok to punch nazis…and Andy Puzder. I’m just kidding of course: don’t punch Andy Puzder. But, man, is he a terrible person.

“Last year, 52% of the people in the country got more from government than they gave to government,” Puzder said. “We do have a segment of the population that’s going to continue to vote benefits to themselves. You have to make a decision for yourself which party actually supports that and would therefore want to continue to have those people vote for them by taking from the rich and giving to the poor, as they like to say, which tilts the electoral balance in favor of those who get the benefits. If they are more than 50% of the population, we’ve got a problem.”

Wow, what a Puzder this guy is. (Let’s get this into the lexicon, ok?)

“Let’s say there’s two political parties,” Puzder said. “One of them says you should lift yourself up by your bootstraps. One of them says that, you know, the easy decision in life isn’t always the right decision. One of them says sometimes, you’re proud of what you’ve done, what you’ve accomplished, you’re proud that you’ve faced failure and you succeeded against it. You know, you can’t succeed if you can’t fail.”

“And then there’s another party that says, ‘Screw all of that, we’ll just give you money,'” the restaurant chain CEO continued. “Now if you’re a person who buys into the ‘I’m gonna be dependent’ philosophy, who are you gonna vote for? That’s all that’s about. It’s about getting votes, retaining power, gaining control over people’s lives. Are you’re going to make your future, or are you going to let somebody else make those decisions? That’s the way things were before capitalism, before the industrial revolution, where you didn’t have a choice. Some people don’t want a choice. Those people should vote for the party that’s in power. If you want to stand up for your rights and your life and your children and your happiness and your satisfaction, you should vote differently.”

This dumb Puzder is like Romney on steroids. My god, could he be a worse choice for Labor Secretary?

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