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President Obama brushes slimy creature off his coattails


Darrell Issa did not suffer any serious injuries.

The president told more than 60 donors, who had paid at least $10,000 to attend, that “Issa’s primary contribution to the United States Congress has been to obstruct and to waste taxpayer dollars on trumped-up investigations that have led nowhere. And this is now a guy who, because poll numbers are bad, has sent out brochures with my picture on them touting his cooperation on issues with me.”

“Now, that is the definition of chutzpah,” he said as members of the crowd at supporter Christine Forester’s home laughed. “Here’s a guy who called my administration perhaps the most corrupt in history despite the fact that actually we have not had a major scandal in my administration, that when Trump was suggesting that I wasn’t even born here, said, well, I don’t know, was not sure. We can pull up the quotes.”

Why yes, we can. From a 2011 interview with another sterling example of the species.

DON IMUS: Digressing here, um, there’s a lot of talk, unfortunately, about Donald Trump raising — not about him — but about him raising this birth certificate issue, which is — what’s your view on that?

ISSA: You know, the man is president. If Donald Trump wants to go back, that’s fine, that’s his decision. He may or may not be right. Most of us think that it’s not an issue and that he’s unlikely to prove that he wasn’t born in America. What we do care about is, that we don’t think that President Obama is good for America, and we’d like to see him not get a second term. And we’d like to have a debate about what President Obama did wrong in these first two years and he’s still doing wrong in many cases.

Bonus PotUS who seems to be a bit done with Republican headasses.

“To his credit, I will say that he has been very pleasant to me at our Christmas parties,” he said as the group laughed again. “No, he is. I’m serious. . . . This is true — a number of Republican caucus members, like Michele Bachmann, they’ll show up and there’s like good cheer and bipartisanship for one evening.”

After referring to the former Minnesota congresswoman and unsuccessful Republican presidential candidate, Obama added, “Some of them say, I’m praying for you. And I don’t question the sincerity that they are praying for me: ‘Please, change this man from the socialist Muslim that he is.’ ”


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