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Where Is That Partisan Convergence I’ve Been Hearing About?


Yesterday, the Senate finally reached a deal to extend unemployment benefits (with the extension applied retroactively.) Whew. Since the parties are now essentially indistinguishably neoliberal on economic policy, I assume getting this through the House will just be a formality:

House conservatives moved quickly Thursday to condemn an agreement struck by a bipartisan group of 10 senators to retroactively restore for 5 months emergency unemployment insurance that expired in December.

The proposal from senators representing some of the most economically distraught states would be paid for through changes to single-employer pension plans and extending fees on U.S. customs users through 2024. The extension would not be restored for the tiny fraction of millionaires who receive unemployment insurance. Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I), who led the negotiations with Sen. Dean Heller (R-Nev.), called it a “bipartisan breakthrough.”

But the reaction from

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influential House conservatives who had yet to hear of the plan ranged from skeptical to outright opposition, suggesting the bill will struggle to get beyond the Senate.

This is the problem with today’s spineless, increasingly conservative Democratic Party in a nutshell. Barack Obama could have invented a time machine, gone back to the constitutional convention, proposed a counter-proposal to the Virginia Plan that created a unicameral parliament apportioned by population while also including a national ban on slavery, rammed it right down the throats of the constitutional convention, returned to 2014, and quickly moved the Unemployment Benefits and Single Payer Health Care Act through the House of Representatives. I mean, I’m not saying this plan was guaranteed to work, but we’ll never know because he Didn’t. Even. Try.

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