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America’s Dumbest Pundit


You may remember Mark Judge from such Konservative Komedy Klassics as “the unknown person who stole my bike must have been a shiftless Negro” and “Bryce Harper is a hustling Republican, while Democrats like Jason Heyward stroll up to the ball as if he were a young buck sidling up to the checkout counter to purchase T bone steaks with food stamps.” These columns alone would have established a clear claim on the title of the country’s dumbest hack. But give Judge credit — like Bryce Harper, the first player in major league history to try to stretch a single into a double, he’s not one to rest on his laurels. So his recent “where all the cool chicks at” thing was a strong entry, supplementing his usual racism with some prime misogyny. And yet, I don’t think it’s the dumbest thing he’s written this month. Consider this piece about the new New Republic. Judge sees some parallels with history:

The parallels are obvious. How sad but unsurprising that they don’t see them. Chris Hughes, the new owner of the liberal magazine the New Republic, is that magazine’s new Stephen Glass. Glass, of course, is the notorious fabulist who made up, then published, at least three dozen fake stories in the New Republic in the late 1990s. Glass got away with it because he was surrounded by fellow journalists who cared more about looking hip and cool than the truth.

So, how is the first issue under Hughes just like a guy who made up a couple dozen articles out of whole cloth? Because 1)Hughes published a measured article about the Republican Party by known Trotskyite Sam Tanenhaus and 2)Ann Coulter and Marty Peretz disagreed with it. That’s the argument, I swear. Also Judge is very upset that Dave Weigel would bring his phoney-baloney “circulation figures” to a discussion about how Marty Peretz destroyed the magazine he purchased with his wife’s money, rather than answering Peretz’s silly criticisms of the Tanenhaus article.

Jesus, what a pathetic operation Tucker Carlson is running.

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