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I Always Wondered Why My Student Loan Checks Came With a Brown Shirt


And now I know the answer thanks to Roscoe Bartlett, a Republican congressman representing Maryland’s 6th District:

“Not that it’s not a good idea to give students loans; it certainly is a good idea to give them loans,” Bartlett said. “But if you can ignore the Constitution to do something good today, tomorrow you will be ignoring the Constitution to do something bad. You could. There are more people in our, in America today of German ancestry than any other [inaudible]. The Holocaust that occurred in Germany — how in the heck could that happen? And when you start down the wrong road, it can be a very slippery slope.

Bartlett, spry and still with obviously sharp faculties at the tender age of 86, has many other sensible ideas such as his embrace of survivalism to prepare for upcoming disasters, which I sure range from seeing two dudes holding hands on the street to the impending North Korean invasion of Maryland. He, along with fellow Right-Thinking Anatomy hero Todd Akin, has also provided useful lessons on how women’s bodies actually work, claiming that very few rapes result in pregnancy.

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