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Sandra Fluke: Jew Lover


You were thinking that the real problem with Sandra Fluke is that she’s a prostitute who won’t show us her sex tapes in exchange for allowing her to use birth control.

You would be wrong.

You see, this right-wing investigative journalist brings us the real story.

Sandra Fluke’s boyfriend is…wait…a JEW!!!!

And not the good kind of Jew that likes to kill Palestinians in order to further bizarre apocalyptic fantasies of right-wing Christians.

No, Fluke likes the kind of Jew who might know leading Democratic players like….oh my god….CASS SUNSTEIN!!!!!

Here we go:

Anyway, on to Adam’s “typical Democrat family”. The term BIll O’Reilly used to describe Bill Mutterperl is “Democratic stalwart”. However, as soon as I heard his name in a story about Sandra Fluke, I almost choked, due to my sudden epiphany. Why? Because anyone familiar with Boston and New York political history knows about the wealthy Mutterperl family’s long tradition of supporting the typical Jewish variant of socialism. Bill Mutterperl’s family are much more than Democratic stalwarts.

The Mutterperl family, via Adam’s great grandfather Sol’s handbag fortune, established the “Mutterperl Scholarship Endowment Fund” in 1951 for Brandeis University. This school, as some people call it, is named for Louis Brandeis, a secular Jew, Zionist, and United States Supreme Court Justice appointed by Woodrow Wilson. Brandeis was a self-proclaimed socialist. Herbert Marcuse, the famous Frankfurt School Marxist, came to Brandeis in 1954, three years after the Mutterperl fund was created. Brandeis University is one of the nation’s leading petri dishes for anti-American and neo-Marxist thought.


There’s that “social justice” code word again. Jewish Socialism is linked to a very progressive concept of the above tikkun olam. New Bedford, MA, where Raphael Mutterperl ran the family’s manufacturing arm, was a hotbed of Marxist trade-unionism in early 20th century America. Why? It was easy to “sell” radical trade-unionism to a whole people group who were brought up in the lap of Weimar Marxian ideology, because New Bedford had many new eastern-European Jewish immigrants living there at the time, including, of course, the Mutterperl family.

For some added historical context, two popular Marxists, Samuel Gompers and Daniel De Leon, agitated in New Bedford, and were instrumental in fomenting strikes amongst the workers of the textile mills there. As I wrote before, Gompers was the founder of what is now the largest Marxist union organization in America, the AFL-CIO.

OMFG, Sandra Fluke’s boyfriend’s family once owned a factory in a city that SAMUEL GOMPERS, noted MAOIST, once entered to try and organize? This is true news here!!! Moreover, you can bet your bottom dollar that Gompers was trying to organize the factory that the family owned. I mean, clearly that means that the communist conspiracy to destroy our rights by ensuring decent health care began in New Bedford!!!

I have not been so outraged since I heard that Barack Obama and Derrick Bell were both BLACK!!!


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