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Border Fence is a Joke


The border fence is such a disaster. Here’s yet another example:

Flooding caused by a border security fence in southwestern Arizona shows the structure is being built too quickly and without regard for the environment, critics say.

Debris and water backed up at the fence during a storm July 12, leading to flooding at the port of entry at Lukeville and Sonoyta, Mexico, and at the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument.

“One of the reasons for it was the debris that accumulated on the fence itself,” said Lee Baiza, superintendent of the monument, a lush desert tract overseen by the National Park Service.

Environmental groups have criticized how the Army Corps of Engineers and federal contractors have designed and built a range of fencing and vehicle barriers along the Arizona-Mexico border.

The border fence is useless. It doesn’t stop people from coming over, but it does drive them deeper into the desert, where they die. Drug smugglers can tunnel underneath it. It stops wildlife from making natural migrations, including rare species like the jaguar. It gets in the way of river species getting to the Rio Grande, since in south Texas the border has to be built on the American side of the river. It splits border communities, sometimes literally in half.

It is for all intents and purposes completely worthless except to make Nebraskans who move to Phoenix feel like they won’t have to deal with as many brown people. I have talked to people who live right on the border, whose land ends at the line, and who are extremely conservative and openly racist against Mexicans, and they have told me that this thing is totally worthless.

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