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Today in Arguments From High Principle


Oh no, Democrats in Wisconsin are…attacking representative democracy itself!

I suppose the “fleebaggers” would like to say that current public opinion polls ought to replace the results of the last election. Is that “what democracy looks like” in your version of American representative democracy? Only a Democrat with very short-term vision could say yes.

Yes, only a short-sighted Democrat. You could only imagine how outraged Althouse would be if a minority in one legislative house dragged out the process over the majority party’s signature issue for a more year and still refused to let the law favored by a majority come to a vote? Oh wait, she’d strongly support it if it was in her ideological interest. While conveniently forgetting the countless Republicans who cited public opinion surveys that should “replace” the results of the last election.

OK, but this is just garden-variety hackery, amusing only because Althouse is so pompous about her alleged non-partisanship. What makes this post a real gem is the egregiously sexist and ageist concern trolling:

I’d also like more inside reporting about those 14 Democratic senators. If only one of them goes back, the Republicans get their quorum and the whole enterprise collapses. How are they maintaining discipline? My state senator is Fred Risser, and that man is 83 years old. It bothers me to think of such an old man held hostage to politics in some motel in Illinois. Another of the 14 is Julie Lassa, who’s 6 months pregnant and has 2 little kids back in Wisconsin. There must be a hard core within the 14 who are keeping the rest in line. What are they saying to Julie and Fred? Assuming they’re not the hard core. Imagine being 6 months pregnant and not having your husband to comfort you, to know he’s at home taking care of the children you miss?

How can a woman engage in politics when she has kids at home? How appalling! And the hysterical woman and the old guy — obviously they don’t have principles of their own and are just being manipulated, the poor dears. They’re probably as irrational as women who think that they want the safest abortion procedure possible. Maybe we can send Anthony Kennedy in to give them a lecture and show them the error of their ways.

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